Yuklangan vaqt
Yuklab olishlar soni
Sahifalar soni
Faytl hajmi
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1.1. Historical Evolution of Language ...................................................................6
1.2. The Selection of Vocabulary............................................................................8.
1.3. The Sources of English Lexicon. .....................................................................11
2.1. Socialization Vocabulary. ................................................................................15
2.2. Information lexis..............................................................................................16
2.3. Vocabulary related to expressions of attitudes......................……………….18
BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………24
According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On
measures to bring the activities of popularization of learning foreign languages to a
qualitatively new level in the Republic of Uzbekistan» dated May 19, 2021 No. PQ-
5117, as well as foreign languages In order to effectively implement organizational
measures to popularize learning, the Cabinet of Ministers decides: 1. Decision PQ-
5117 dated May 19, 2021 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On
measures to bring the activity of popularizing the study of foreign languages to a
qualitatively new level in the Republic of Uzbekistan» 1.
"There have been changing trends - from Grammar-Translation to Direct
Method to the Communicative Approach-, but none of this has emphasised the
importance of the learner’s lexical competence over structural grammatical
competence." Summers 2014 Even when this quotation may not contemplate that
vocabulary is a relevant issue in many communicative methodologies, it has been a
reality that, traditionally, the teaching of vocabulary was limited to presenting new
items as they appeared in reading or sometimes listening texts, without focusing on
vocabulary itself.
The object of this study is the verbs and nouns connected by derivational
relationships in conversion.
During this topic we will cover the historical evolution of the study of new
words, and we will also consider how children learn vocabulary, how much
vocabulary young learners are expected to learn, what vocabulary to teach and how
to teach it. We will also pay close attention to the social use of language. Finally, we
will consider vocabulary-learning strategies and we will provide instances on how
to apply this topic to the classroom practice. The contents of this unit are also
connected with both the Common European Framework of Reference for
1 Decision PQ-5117 dated May 19, 2021 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On measures to bring the
activity of popularizing the study of foreign languages to a qualitatively new level in the Republic of Uzbekistan»
Languages, the legal reference among the countries belonging to the European
Union, and the Educative Legislation in Spain and the Autonomous Community in
2023. It explains that the cognitive organisation of vocabulary and the storing of
expressions, etc. depend, amongst other things, on the cultural features of the
community or communities in which the child has been socialised and where his or
her learning has occurred.
The subject of this work is relations of word meanings of verbs and nouns,
connected by derivational relationships in conversion.
Accordingly, LOE 2/ 2006 modified by LOMLOE 8/2013 along with Royal
Decree157/2022 regulating Primary Education nationwide, and Decree which
establishes the curriculum in the Autonomous Community of , all underline the
importance of vocabulary learning as an essential element to achieve an adequate
degree of communicative competence in a foreign language, and the social context
in which the learning process takes place. Real communicative situations are to be
created within the classroom to offer chances of learning in context.
The following tasks are drawn according to the aim: 1) to determine the
conversion as a way of forming new words in modern English; 2) to get acquainted
with the history of the conversion; 3) to identify the types of conversion; 4) to
identify the converted neologisms in the English language.
Methods: 1) cognitive-synthesis; 2) comparative benchmarking; 3) inductive-
deductive; 4) continuous sampling method;
There is no doubt about the importance of this topic for our everyday
classroom practice, because, as Brewster (1992) states, ‘Mastery of vocabulary is a
basic ingredient for communication. No matter how much we know about language,
if words fail to come no message is conveyed’.
The aim of this work is to study about conversions in English language.
The structure of the work: plan, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of
bibliography. The work includes theoretical and practical chapters. The theoretical
chapter deals with the derivation, namely conversion, as one of the productive ways
of word formation, history and neologisms. The second chapter is devoted to the
types of conversion, in which verbs are formed from nouns and etc., and identifying
the most productive models of forming of new words by conversion.
1.1. Historical Evolution Of Language
The Lexical and Semantic Fields theory derives from the work of German and
Swiss scholars in the 1920's and 30's. As Crystal (2003) states, the term Semantic
Field was coined by s the Swiss Ferdinand de Saussure, who put forward the view
of language as an interconnected system of signs such that an alteration of any of the
elements involved a change in the entire system. A semantic field is merely an area
of meaning containing words with related senses, (i.e. parts of the body: head, arms,
legs... It's a semantic field). According to Saussure’s theory: − Words can belong to
more than one field (Apricot: fruit or colour). − Languages differ in their semantic
fields: every language cuts the world up in a special way. − The best way to
remember vocabulary is when it's associated in groups (word families). The Lexical
field theory, was introduced in 1931 by the German linguist Josh Trier. Trier stated
that the accuracy of understanding of an individual word depends on the presence of
the whole context and its particular structure. When we talk about Lexical Fields,
we refer to formal linguistic devices and rules for word-formation. As a way of an
example, we can create new words out of a base, from the word “happy” we get the
new word “unhappy”. In this sense, words can be simple or complex. o Simple
Words are formed by only one constituent. Take the case of “house” or “light”. o
Complex Words are formed by more than one constituent. Following the previous
examples, this is the case of the word “lighthouse”. Regarding English Lexicon,
David Crystal (2003) states that the number of English words could reach the million
of lexemes. This vastness of the Lexicon comes from the enormous stock of English
native words and the avalanche of foreign borrowings over the centuries. The use of
prefixes, suffixes, compounding and other processes of word- building turns out to
play its crucial part in English vocabulary growth. Therefore, English vocabulary
has a remarkable range, flexibility and adaptability. English seems to have far more
words in its core vocabulary than other languages. For example, alongside kingly
(from Anglo-Saxon) we find royal (from French) and regal (from Latin) There are
many such sets of words which add greatly to our opportunities to express subtle
shades of meaning at various levels of style. The vocabulary of modern English was
replenished mainly in the process of word formation and in the process of borrowing
new words from other languages.2
"Word formation is a set of operating rules of the language and methods of formation
of new words based on the existing ones" [Bochkareva, T.S.]. Word formation is
closely connected to the vocabulary and grammar. Connection of word formation
with the vocabulary is manifested in the fact that each new word, emerged in the
language, is a unit of the vocabulary of the language. A link to the grammar can be
seen in the fact that the creation of new words in the language occurs in certain
models, and every word is a certain part of speech.
In modern linguistics, decided to allocate the following main ways of word
formation: 1) prefixation; 2) suffixes; 3) compounding; 4) conversion; 5) reduction.
Prefixes - "the process of formation of new words by means of the addition of the
prefix (prefix) to the stem of the word." Unlike suffixes that are involved in the
formation of words belonging to different parts of speech, prefixes, are mainly
involved in the formation of words within the same part of speech. The prefixes
change the lexical meaning of the word stems, but rarely they affect its lexical and
grammatical components. The following are distinguished: among them: 1)
productive (un-, re-, anti-, inter-, etc.); 2) unproductive (mis-, out-, dis-, de-, co-).;
3) non-productive (im-, in-, il-, ir-, en-.).3
Suffixes - the way of word formation, in which a suffix is added to the stem of a
word. Primarily suffixes serve to form new words, and secondly, for forming one
part of speech from the other and, thirdly, to change the word’s lexical meaning. As
well as prefixes, suffixes are divided into: 1) productive (-er, -ist, -ee, -ism, -ing, -
3 Ginzburg, RZ Lexicology of the English language: a tutorial / RZ Ginsburg, S. Khidekel, GY Knyazev, AA Sankin.
- 2nd ed.. and ext. - M .: Higher School, 1979. - 269 p.
ness, -ed, -ly, etc.); 2) unproductive (-ling, -ie, -let, etc.); 3) non-productive (-or, -
ard, -ship, -hood, -dom, -ful, etc.).
Compounding – method of derivation, in which the bases of two or three words are
added together. The complicated word (compound word) is formed as a result of this
process. Compound words in the English language are mainly composed of the
foundations of the various parts of speech, coupled with no change.
Conversion - a method of forming new words, in which the external shape is not
changed, but the word passes into another grammatical category, gaining new
features and the new value. In the formation of a new word by conversion, not only
its grammatical meaning changes, but also lexical, which leads to the emergence of
a new word.
1.2. The Selection Of Vocabulary.
Been such a rich language regarding words, the selection of the vocabulary to be
taught in the classroom is a difficult one and, throughout the history of foreign
language teaching, two basic tendencies have appeared, as far as vocabulary
selection criteria are concerned: Use Frequency and Opportunity of Word
Appearing. The first term, ‘Use frequency’, underlines the theory that there are
certain words which are more frequently used than others, and we should make a
selection for classroom use from those terms. In this sense, Larsen-Freeman (2020)
explains that in 1921 Edward Thorndike published in the USA ‘The Teacher’s Word
Book’ where the 5,000 most common English words in written language were
included. This number was increased within a few years and in 1944 by Thorndike
who published, together with Lorge, ‘The Teacher’s Word Book’ of 30,000 Words.
This last book was a sort of guide to help the teacher organise rationally reading
lessons in American schools. Michael West took the idea and applied it to foreign
language teaching and in 1953 ‘A General Service list of English Words’ appeared,
where the two thousand most commonly used English words were included. In this
book both lexical and grammatical content words were found. The second criteria is
based on the ‘Opportunity of Word Appearing’, according to which there are certain
words becoming more necessary because of their direct relationship with the
learning and with the objectives aimed. Harmer (2015) puts forwards that, globally
speaking, words come in two forms: oral and print. Word knowledge also comes in
two additional forms, receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes
words that we recognize when we hear or see them. Productive vocabulary includes
words that we use when we speak or write. Receptive or passive vocabulary is
typically larger than productive or active vocabulary and may include many words
to which we assign some meaning, even if we don't know their full definitions and
connotations. Nevertheless, when teaching words it is important to distinguish
between both types of vocabulary. Seeing that active/productive vocabulary is the
one you can understand and recall and it is ready to use for real communication, we
should give greater amount of practice to this type of vocabulary in our
communicative FL classes. The degrees of knowing a word are reflected in the
precision with which we use a word, how quickly we understand a word, and how
well we understand and use words in different modes (e.g., receptive, productive)
and for different purposes (e.g., formal vs. informal occasions). Finally, knowing a
word means being able to appreciate its connotations and subtleties. When we know
a word at this level, we can use and recognize it in idioms, jokes, slang, puns, etc. Inglés. Tema 6 6 But, how many words do students need to know?.
According to Gairns (1990), at the present time, there is considerable consensus
among researchers that primary school FL students add approximately, depending
on the level, 50 to 500 distinct words yearly to their vocabularies. Reviews of
classroom intervention studies suggest that, in general, no more than 8 to 10 words
can be taught effectively each week. This means no more than approximately 400
words can be taught in a year. So how do students acquire new words? As Gairns
explains, an extensive body of research indicates that the answer is through
incidental learning - that is, through exposure to and interaction with oral language.
However, such incidental encounters cannot ensure that students will acquire in-
depth meanings of specific words. For some words, such as those that are crucial for
content area concept, most students need to have intentional and explicit instruction.
As a result, developing understandings of word meanings is a long- term process,
one that involves many encounters with both spoken and written words in varying
contexts. On the first encounter with a new word, a student stores in memory some
information about how the word fits into what s/he is perceiving. This information
is reinforced each time s/he sees or hears the word. With each new encounter, the
student picks up more information about the word from its use in various contexts.
As a result, the student gradually acquires ownership of the word. Cut - method of
word formation, at which a portion of the base is cut off, which is either the same as
the word or phrase, which is united by a common sense. In modern linguistics
reduction can be divided into lexical (truncated words and acronyms) and graphic.
Examples of truncated words are: doc <doctor; frig <refrigerator. Acronyms are
formed from the initial letters of words in the phrase, united by a common sense,
such as the Air Force <British Broadcasting Corporation. As for the graphic cuts,
they are also plentiful, and mostly are used to refer to actions, units or quantities (kg,
km, mph, Dr, Mr, etc.). The conventionality of this type of contractions is seen in
the fact that they are reproduced fully (hence the name of the type) in oral speech.4
Based on the foregoing, we can say that the lexical composition of the language is
open-ended, i.e., there is a possibility of replenishment of new units, and above all
an opportunity to connect with the existing word-formation processes and word
After all, word formation in its essence and nature meets best the needs of the
nomination, using the existing language and vocabulary items.
The need for new titles is satisfied not only by borrowing, which is only an
additional source. In language, as we have seen, there is a specially designed system
of means and rules specifically for the purposes of the nomination by which on the
4 Dubinets, EM Lexicology of modern English language: lectures and seminars: Proc. Benefit / EM Dubinets. - M .:
Gloss-Press, 2002. - 192 p.
basis of already existing units in the language new words are formed. Among these
tools, we can identify the most productive, the most actively functioning ones in the
language. From all of the ways of updating the vocabulary of the language above,
the conversion is one of the most productive ways operating in English.
1.3. The Sources Of English Lexicon.
To properly learn the vocabulary of English we should be familiar with all
aspects. of the vocabulary of the language, that is, how words are formed, how they
have developed over time, how they are used now, how they relate in meaning to
each other, and how they are handled in dictionaries and other books. According to
Clenton (2020), these are the sources of the English Lexicon:
The Anglo-Saxon lexical character of the English Lexicon dominates
everyday conversations, whether it be grammatical words (in, on, be, that), lexical
words (father, love, name), or affixes (mis-, un-, -ness, -less). Although Anglo-
Saxon lexemes comprise only a relatively small part of the total English Lexicon,
they provide almost all the most frequently used words in the language.
Loan words or borrowings are those lexemes taken from other languages.
Over 350 languages are on record as sources of English present-day vocabulary, and
the locations of contact are found all over the world (Crystal, 2003). Inglés. Tema 6 7 The influence of Latin is strong, especially after
the arrival of Christianity (e.g. bishop, church, school, giant, lobster, purple, plant...)
The Viking invasions alone resulted in about 2000 Scandinavian words coming into
English (e.g. dirt, egg, kid, leg, skin, sky, window...). After the Norman Conquest,
the influx of words from the continent, especially French, doubled the size of the
English Lexicon (council, government, mayor, minister, parliament...) Since the
1950s, a fresh wave of borrowing has been taking place. Some examples of loan
words are: o Guitar, hacienda, mosquito (Spain). o Balcony, concerto, giraffe, opera,
violin (Italy). o Crocodile, medicine, passport (France). o Hamburger, kindergarten,
lager (Germany). o Assassin, emir, harem, intifada, zero (Middle East). o Bonsai,
geisha, haiku, hara-kiri, kamikaze, samurai (Japan). o Bongo, marimba, safari
(Africa). o Bungalow, chutney, guru, pyjamas (India).5
Most English vocabulary arises by making new lexemes out of old ones -either
by adding an affix to previously existing forms, altering their word class, or
combining them to produce compounds. Lexical relations are a great source of
lexical creativity. − Affixation: An affix is a morpheme that is attached to a base
morpheme such as a root or to a stem, to form a word. Affixes may be derivational,
like English - ness and pre, or inflectional, like English plural -s and past tense -ed.
− Derivation and conversion: Derivation is the process of creating new lexemes from
other lexemes, for example, by adding a derivational affix. It is a kind of word
formation. Derivational affixes usually apply to words of one syntactic category and
change them into words of another syntactic category. For example, the English
derivational suffix -ly changes adjectives into adverbs (slow --- slowly). Some
examples of English derivational suffixes: o Adjective to noun: -ness (slow---
slowness). o Adjective to verb: -ize (modern --- modernize).
Inglés. Tema 6 8 o Derivation may occur without any change of form, for example
telephone (noun) and to telephone. This is known as conversion. − Compounding:
A compound is a word (lexeme) that consists of more than one morpheme; eg:
doghouse, breastfeed,… − Backformation: It has to do with the reinterpretation of
certain words, for example,“donate” from “donation” or “housekeep” from
5 Kharitonchik, ZA Lexicology of the English language: Textbook. Benefit / ZA Kharitonchik. - Mn .: Vysheyshaya
School, 1992. - 229 p.
A neologism is a word/term, or phrase which has been recently created
("coined") often to apply to new concepts, or to reshape older terms in newer
language form: e-mail, app, spam, podcast. Neologisms can also refer to an existing
word or phrase which has been assigned a new meaning: troll. − Onomatopoeia &
reduplicatives: Words can be invented to describe sounds and the thingsthat make
sounds, such as 'cuckoo' or 'splash'. They can also be invented by duplicating a
sound, e.g. ping-pong. − Acronyms: Phrases that are reduced to acronyms often
enough become words in their own right and the original phrase is often forgotten.
Some are still written as acronyms such as AIDS, but others are not, like radar (radio
detection and ranging). − Clipping: This is the shortening of a longer word, often
reducing it to one syllable. Examination becomes exam, laboratory, lab. Many
examples are very informal or slang, like 'bro' from brother, 'dis' from disrespect and
'maxing, from maximising. − Blending: Blends are words created by combining
elements from two words - normally beginning and end - and so combining their
meaning to create a new one: electrocute (electrify and execute); smog (smoke and
fog); brunch (breakfast and lunch).
The meaning of words becomes attached to a word because of its use. We
mainly find four ways in which this can happen: − Connotation: has to do with
meanings that are socially acquired. The extra meaning in some words is known as
the connotative meaning. In spoken language, the presence of connotation is often
signalled by intonation. − Collocation: refers to the tendency for particular words
that are otherwise synonymous, such as quiver and tremble. We can say tremble with
fear and quiver with excitement. Inglés. Tema 6 9 − Stylistic
meaning: has to do with the concept of register. Words have more or less, a degree
of formality within the language. The following examples differ in associative
meaning because they belong to separate styles of English: Residence (formal)
Home (general) Gaff (slang) − Metaphor: refers to a process in which one semantic
field is transferred to another. So, in the sentence the ship ploughed the water the
field of farming is transferred to that of sailing. Because of their presence in speakers'
minds, metaphors exert an influence over linguistic behaviour.
This is a relationship between words that have a similar meaning or sense. For
example, youth/youngster; mad/insane. − Hyponymy: this is a hierarchical
relationship that exists between two terms in which the sense of one is included in
the other; i.e., car is a hyponym of vehicle. − Antonymy: the relationship between
words which are opposite in meaning or sense; i.e. big/small. − Polysemy: a sense
relation in which a word, or lexeme, has acquired more than one meaning; i.e., chip
can mean a piece of wood, food or an electric circuit. − Homonymy: this is a relation
between words that have the same form, but unrelated senses. Homonyms may have
the same phonological form, such as write/right. These are homophones. Other
words may have the same graphical form: lead (of a dog) and lead, (of a pencil).
These are homographs. 6
2.1. Socialization Vocabulary
Another important aspect to consider is sociocultural context which refers to
the fact that the language used by a sociocultural group is closely connected with its
values, attitudes and beliefs. Consequently, learning a language involves
understanding and interpreting the culture of which it is part. It is important,
6 Zykov, IV Practical course of English lexicology: Proc. Benefit / IV Zykov. - 2nd ed.. - M .: Academy, 2007. - 288
therefore, for EFL students to develop the ability to interpret texts from perspectives
other than their own. The selection of vocabulary to teach to teach in an EFL lesson
will depend, as Clenton (2020) mentions, on age, level, needs and interests of
students, as well as on the teaching materials and resources being used. Nevertheless,
teachers have to make sure that high frequency words are given a lot of attention in
the EFL classroom. It is necessary to teach that kind of vocabulary useful in the
student-teacher interaction or which refers to Inglés. Tema 6 10
instructions on how to do classwork, what is known as "classroom language", so
important in creating a more natural context to use the language as a means of
communication. Words must not be taught as individual items, but grouping them
according to what they might have in common, be it a semantic field, similar
meaning, similar function, or any others. Contextualizing vocabulary is also a way
to group words, helping students understand their meaning. Contexts in which to
teach new words vary depending mainly on age groups but also on other factors such
as group interests. The lexical content to be taught will also depend on the
communicative situation/function we present. The three main basic communicative
functions of human interactions are: socialization, information and expression of
attitudes. Here are some examples of vocabulary sets of each function for primary
education. It varies depending on whether the context if formal or informal and
includes expressions to start and end a conversation, to compliment or congratulate,
to offer and thank, to apologize and regret and also to speak on the phone, among
many other. As a way of an example we find the following expressions: -Greetings:
Hello, Good morning / afternoon / evening, Nice to meet you, … -Saying goodbye:
Goodbye / bye, bye, See you tomorrow ... -Congratulating: Well done!, Good job!,
Congratulations… -Special days: Merry Christmas, Happy birthday... The
phenomenon of conversion came to the attention of grammarians relatively early.
English grammarian John Greenwood noted that many nouns and some adjectives
(and sometimes other parts of speech), using instead of the verbs become verbs. For
example, a noun from a verb house arises to house, from nouns fish and oil - verbs
to fish, to oil. He was one of the first English grammarians who drew attention to
the syntactic feature of this phenomenon. Attention to the affixless (conditionally)
way of word formation was highlighted the works of George Buchanan and John
Ward, following John Greenwood. The work of another English grammarian
William Heyzlitta raises the question of the direction of Derivatives - one of the most
complicated even in modern linguistics for the first time in English grammar.7
"Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether substantive occurred from the verb
or vice versa. In general, however, it can be assumed - he writes - that substantives,
expressing the action come from the verb ", and those who express "things or
objects", can be seen as "the roots of verbs related to these objects ". Thus, he also
puts in the forefront the semantic criterion for determination of the derivative. At the
same time, comparing the verbs to love, to sleep with nouns love and sleep, W.
Heyzlitt emphasizes that they are different, "not in content, but in form and manner
of expression."
2.2. Information Lexis.
Understanding and giving information is a basic communicative element in
everyday human relationships. It comprises the type of vocabulary and expressions
needed to ask and give information. These include asking and giving opinion,
expressing agreement and disagreement, interrupting or asking for clarification
among others. We should teach expressions such as: Inglés. Tema
6 11 − Identification: Proper names, telephone numbers, addresses, physical
characteristics, health, work, possession, origin (nationality), age... − Places: The
house (bedroom, kitchen...) Shops (clothes shop) Buildings (supermarket, bank...) −
Prices: Numbers Pound/penny, cent/euro/dollar... − Weather: Sunny/windy/cloudy..
− Time: O'clock, quarter past, half past,…
7 Smirnitsky, AI The syntax of the English language / AI Smirnitsky, VV Passek. - M .: Publishing house of Foreign
Languages, 1957. - 287 p.
Knowledge of this vocabulary is needed to show feelings, wishes or
intentions. Children like to express their likes and dislikes, their regrets, emotions
and decisions. The aforesaid is clearly exemplified with expressions such as: − Likes
and dislikes: I Like, I love, I enjoy, I don’t like, I hate, I can’t stand , food, hobbies,
heavy music... − Expressing gratitude: Thank you/Thanks/thank you very much,
Thanks, I am grateful, this is great Not at all/that's all right... − Apologizing: I'm
sorry − Requesting: Please − Expressing appreciation: Nice!, Good!, Excellent!,
Great!... Inglés. Tema 6 12 − Granting forgiveness: That's all right,
Never mind... It is necessary to offer our EFL students the widest range of
vocabulary activities since children get enthusiastic easily but they also get tired and
lose concentration fast. It should be advisable to design activities in which the
students use the four linguistic skills in an integrated way as well as other strategies
as: classification, association, memorization... This may help to train the EFL
learners in the use of learning strategies and receptive skills, and to increase their
capacities of observation, concentration, guessing and inferring. In order to make
learning of vocabulary as meaningful as possible, we could use games that cover all
sorts of topics (cardboard games, memory games, guessing games, TPR games…)
Stories which offer an opportunity for repetition and/or anticipation, information gap
activities in which vocabulary just learned is purposefully used, action songs, etc,
will provide the EFL learner with opportunities to revise and recycle vocabulary.
We cannot forget the importance of learning the culturally bound vocabulary of the
target language. Madrid & McLaren (2018) show some of the activities to deal with
sociocultural context: − Asking students to compare words and expressions used in
their L1 and English. − Speaking contexts with those used in their own L1 context.
− Students comment on the sociocultural associations of lexis in a given text. −
Students research a given set of items with sociocultural associations uizzes focusing
on sociocultural lexical items. Some of the most useful criteria to select the
vocabulary to be used in the classroom, according to Madrid & Mclaren are: −
Frequency: function words which will be usually pick up by children through
continuous exposure and use in different contexts. − Usefulness: vocabulary to
match children’s daily experience. − Simplicity: the selection of words which should
be limited. − Authenticity Of Expression And Fun Value: the vocabulary selected
must be essential for communication as well as child-centred words. In fact, these
words will be the easiest to learn and remember for our pupils.
Inglés. Tema 6 13 The typology of activities used to teach vocabulary are
traditionally related to the different learning moments or stages known as
Presentation, Practice and Production stages. As Larsen-Freeman (2020) points out,
the main features of each stage are the following: The Presentation Stage main aim
is to elicit students’ previous knowledge, arouse their interest and curiosity and
present the meaning and form of the new vocabulary through imitation and
repetition. Control of interaction is totally in the hands of the teacher who must try
to use realia, drawings, pictures, flashcards, actions, mime, new technologies and
multisensory activities which involve watching, smelling, tasting, listening and
touching. At the Practice Stage, our pupils will work with the whole class, in groups
or in pairs going through guided activities, at first, to build up their confidence in
English. 8
2.3. Vocabulary related to expressions of attitudes.
Then, as progress is made, they will go through meaningful and extensive
activities to improve their domain of the vocabulary. Here the degree of teacher’s
control is gradually minimized. Some activities are as follows: classifying, labelling,
dictations which can be easily graded to cater for diversity, what’s missing games,
wordsearch, crossword, spotting differences or “I spy” games, to name just a few.
At the Production Stage our students will use the vocabulary in freer and more
creative ways checking how much they have learnt. They will also work without
depending so heavily on the linguistic support provided by the teacher. The most
common activities include: picture dictionaries, collages of pictures around a
8 CONVERSION as a way ENRICHMENT English Dictionary Pavlenko IA, Zubenko TV, Nicholas National
University named after V. Sukhomlinsky, Nikolaev, Ukraine (online publication)
particular theme, word networks based on a topic, word families or vocabulary books
made on their own. During all the process the students should also benefit from
having some vocabulary Learning Strategies we should try to make them familiar
with. Commonly used strategies seem to be simple memorization, repetition, but
there are many other strategies we can foster in our students, like these proposed by
Clenton (2020): • Study and practice meaning in a group. • Connect a word to a
previous personal experience. • Connect the word to its synonyms and antonyms. •
Use semantic maps. • Group words together to study them. • Use physical action
when learning a Word. Inglés. Tema
The strong and established relationship between students' vocabulary
knowledge and their ability to successfully comprehend words they may encounter
places a heavy demand on EFL teachers. The demand is that significant attention be
given to the development of students' vocabulary knowledge. Much is known from
research about how young children acquire words and how they learn to use them in
spoken language. It is clear that rich oral language environments must be-created in
the first stages of EFL learning to promote the development of new L2 vocabulary.
As students progress through the grades, the development of their EFI vocabulary
knowledge must remain a priority. Attention to vocabulary development is important
for all students, but is especially important for EFL learners. In summary, we know
a lot about vocabulary knowledge, its acquisition, and its importance across the
school years. The challenge is to put what we know to work in the FL classroom.
Knowledge of this vocabulary is needed to show feelings, wishes or intentions.
Children like to express their likes and dislikes, their regrets, emotions and decisions.
The aforesaid is clearly exemplified with expressions such as: − Likes and dislikes:
I Like, I love, I enjoy, I don’t like, I hate, I can’t stand , food, hobbies, heavy music...
− Expressing gratitude: Thank you/Thanks/thank you very much, Thanks, I am
grateful, this is great Not at all/that's all right... − Apologizing: I'm sorry −
Requesting: Please − Expressing appreciation: Nice!, Good!, Excellent!, Great!... Inglés. Tema 6 12 − Granting forgiveness: That's all right, Never
mind... It is necessary to offer our EFL students the widest range of vocabulary
activities since children get enthusiastic easily but they also get tired and lose
concentration fast. This is a relationship between words that have a similar meaning
or sense. For example, youth/youngster; mad/insane. − Hyponymy: this is a
hierarchical relationship that exists between two terms in which the sense of one is
included in the other; i.e., car is a hyponym of vehicle. − Antonymy: the relationship
between words which are opposite in meaning or sense; i.e. big/small. − Polysemy:
a sense relation in which a word, or lexeme, has acquired more than one meaning;
i.e., chip can mean a piece of wood, food or an electric circuit. − Homonymy: this is
a relation between words that have the same form, but unrelated senses. Homonyms
may have the same phonological form, such as write/right. These are homophones.
Other words may have the same graphical form: lead (of a dog) and lead, (of a
pencil). These are homographs. Most English vocabulary arises by making new
lexemes out of old ones -either by adding an affix to previously existing forms,
altering their word class, or combining them to produce compounds. Lexical
relations are a great source of lexical creativity. − Affixation: An affix is a morpheme
that is attached to a base morpheme such as a root or to a stem, to form a word.
Affixes may be derivational, like English - ness and pre, or inflectional, like English
plural -s and past tense -ed. − Derivation and conversion: Derivation is the process
of creating new lexemes from other lexemes, for example, by adding a derivational
affix. It is a kind of word formation. Derivational affixes usually apply to words of
one syntactic category and change them into words of another syntactic category.
For example, the English derivational suffix -ly changes adjectives into adverbs
(slow --- slowly). Some examples of English derivational suffixes: o Adjective to
noun: -ness (slow--- slowness).
Absorb- to include so that it no longer has separate existence; to overwhelm;
to cause to disappear as if by swallowing up; to incorporate; to assimilate; to take in
and use up
Acquisition- the act or process of acquiring
Consciousness- the state of being conscious or aware; awareness
Core- the most important part of a thing; the essence
Dimension- a single aspect of a given thing; the number of elements of any
basis of a vector space
Didactive-speech or writing that is didactive is intended to teach people a
moral lesson
Inductive -(logic) of, or relating to logical induction or inductance
Intricacy- that which is intricate or involved;as the intricacy of a knot; the
intricacy of accounts;
Monotonous- boring because of always being the same
Obscure- not well-known and usually not very important; difficult to
Proficiency-a good standard of ability and skills
Proofread- to read through something that is written or printed in order to
correct any mistakes in it
Plateau- a period during which the level of something does not change ,
especially after a period when it was increasing
Punch- to hit someone or something hard with your fist
Rambunctious- noisy, full of energy and behaving in a way that cannot be
Approach- a method of doing something or dealing with a problem
Investment- when you spend a large amount of time, energy, emotion etc on
Dedicated- made for or used for only one particular purpose
Pervasive- existing everywhere
Pentinent- directly relating to something that is being considered
Obstacle- something that makes it difficult to achieve something
Subordinate- less important than something else
Inevitably- used for saying that something is certain to happen and cannot be
Suitability- the degree to which something or someone has the right qualities
for a particular purpose
Inferring- to form an opinion that something is probably true because of
information that you have
Entails- to involve something as a necessary part or result
Conceptual- dealing with ideas, or based on them
Incidental- happening or existing in connection with something else that is
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